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July 06, 2004
PAD - Day 4
Too lazy and tired to post anything on the PAD so using one of my pics taken in my brothers backyard. Saw this daisy all dying amidst the rest and found it preety neat for a PAD idea.
Posted by Penjo Chhimi | Permalink
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my ex-homestay mom is named Daisy
and she is a really nice old lady
she paints the whole day in her own studio
she has two dogs
small one
and two of them always bark at me whenever i go downsatirs or come back home
she likes to take me to the supermarket
but i don't like goin there with her
cuz she is really slow-motioned when ever comes to pick up food
bye bye
Posted by: yup | Jul 9, 2004 6:33:05 AM